Monday, February 16, 2009

On teenagers and cleaning

Last week, I held a family meeting. I am (once again) getting really frustrated with being the only member of my family who actually cleans. My husband is a terrific guy who does dishes and laundry, but he wouldn't even SEE dirt unless it jumped up and bit him on the butt. And our 2 teenagers are even worse...

So at our meeting, I layed down the LAW. Every Saturday, from 10 until noon ALL family members are going to clean. Yeah....right. We tried it this past weekend. Phil finally managed to lug the Christmas totes down cellar but never cleaned anything. Kenny vacuumed the family room with a vacuum cleaner that was clogged and then locked himself in the bathroom!

Oh....the excuses I heard:

I just woke up.
I'm too tired.
I'm hungry.
I'm thirsty.
Mom, Kenny's not helping.
Mom, Kenny locked himself in the bathroom.
Mom I can't clean, the supplies are locked in the bathroom with Kenny!

And my personal favorite: it will just get dirty again, so why bother?

Aargghh! The next sound heard was my head hitting the wall. THUMP....OUCH!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My husband makes a really UGLY woman!

The hospital where we both work had a fund raiser for the American Heart Association yesterday. 9 prominent male employees agreed to wear red dresses (the symbol for the Heart Association's Go Red for Women campaign). For $5 you could have punch and cookies with them. For $5 more you could get your picture take with them. It was a screaming riot and a huge success! I think most of the hospital laughed themselves sick. It was a really big success too. In 3 hours, over $4500 was raised. It was all in good fun and the guys were really great sports. However....its a really good thing that Phil is male. Because as a female....he is SCARY!
P.S. I love you a GUY that is!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mamma's Fur Children

Gertrude, aka Trudy. My first fur baby. The fact that I now have 5 is all her fault....if she hadn't been so wonderful, she would have stayed an only dog!

Louella aka Ella Bella. Ella has issues: she is nervous, she leaks, she licks and isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, Kenny says she's a spoon! But everybody LOVES Ella!

Mildred aka Millie. She's a Yorkie, she's a Mamma's girl and she's a bitch. What more can I say?!

Paco the Taco. He's my first fur boy and is really sweet! (But he's camera shy. Its really hard to get a good picture of him!)

And last but not least......

Bubba the Bow Legged Chihuahua! He's a Mamma's boy! But he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind...and his bark is incredibly LOUD for a 4.75 pound dog!

About Me

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My name is Barbara. I am the mother of 2 teenagers and 5 small dogs. Trust me - the 5 dogs are WAY easier than the 2 teenagers!