Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mamma's Fur Children

Gertrude, aka Trudy. My first fur baby. The fact that I now have 5 is all her fault....if she hadn't been so wonderful, she would have stayed an only dog!

Louella aka Ella Bella. Ella has issues: she is nervous, she leaks, she licks and isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. In fact, Kenny says she's a spoon! But everybody LOVES Ella!

Mildred aka Millie. She's a Yorkie, she's a Mamma's girl and she's a bitch. What more can I say?!

Paco the Taco. He's my first fur boy and is really sweet! (But he's camera shy. Its really hard to get a good picture of him!)

And last but not least......

Bubba the Bow Legged Chihuahua! He's a Mamma's boy! But he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind...and his bark is incredibly LOUD for a 4.75 pound dog!


Madawyh said...

so cute - I can't wait to meet the newest members of you family sometime! My children will terrorize them of course :)

Momma's Girl said...

omg they are soooo cute!

About Me

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My name is Barbara. I am the mother of 2 teenagers and 5 small dogs. Trust me - the 5 dogs are WAY easier than the 2 teenagers!