Monday, September 15, 2008

I am so pitiful...

I have been really excited all day thinking about riding my new bike. I got home from work, changed my clothes, put my Yorkie in the rear basket and headed down the driveway. Cool....right? WRONG! I could barely make it to the end of the road (and that is NOT very far) before I had to stop. I forgot how much WORK riding a bike is. Perhaps I should have gotten a model with a MOTOR! But of course, that wouldn't be very green now would it?!

At the end of my last posting I asked if anyone had any bubble wrap. What I SHOULD have asked was: "Does anyone know a good massage therapist?" My butt hurts already!!

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About Me

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My name is Barbara. I am the mother of 2 teenagers and 5 small dogs. Trust me - the 5 dogs are WAY easier than the 2 teenagers!